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We had a fantastic Christmas!  Santa brought the kids pajamas on Christmas Eve.  The kids are amazed that they were at the Christmas tree, which is by our front door, and never even heard Santa on the doorstep.  He is a tricky guy and rang the doorbell and was gone before they got there.  Kennedy was VERY excited for her nightgown...it was the only thing she asked Santa for this year!  McGuire loved his new jammies as well and Zach was just happy to have some lighter weight jammies that don't get him so hot at night wrapped up in his blanket!

Christmas morning, Kennedy crawled into bed with us around 7:45 am.  Rich asked her if she thought Santa came.  She said, she hadn't heard him so he must not have come yet.  About 15 minutes later, she crawled out of bed and started to walk downstairs.  Rich and I heard her squeal and then come tearing back into our room at full speed.  She screamed, "He came!  Santa did come!" and immediately ran in to wake up McGuire.  They were so excited to open presents and we had a great time watching them.  Kennedy got a pink kitchen from Santa, but if you ask her what she got, she will immediately tell you, "MAKE-UP!" which is the tube of lipgloss that was left in her stocking.  The next thing she will tell you is her nightgown, and then finally (with a little prompting) she will mention the kitchen!  Note to Santa that he can keep things a little simpler in the future!  McGuire got a basketball hoop, but when asked what he got, he will tell you about his shake-and-go airplane!  They both love playing with all their gifts though!  Zach also got a couple of new toys which he loves!

We spent the rest of the day relaxing, watching movies, playing games, and having the kids "cook" us food in their new kitchen.

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