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They grow up fast!

I can't believe how much our kiddos are growing, and how quickly they are doing so!  Here is a brief update on each of the kids:

Kennedy is a very proud sunbeam.  She is so excited every week to go to Primary and absolutely loves her teacher.  She has come home the last two weeks and asked us if we could help her learn the songs they sing in Primary since she hasn't known them.  We realized how serious she was today when she asked Rich to talk to Carrie (our neighbor who is the Primary President) and find out what songs they were singing.  That was the first thing she said when she got in the car, "Dad, did you talk to Carrie?" She was a little miffed when he said that he hadn't but that he wouldn't walk across the street to talk with her when we got home.  So, when we pulled into the driveway, she was out of the car and across the street before we had even gotten Zach and McGuire out of their car seats!  Unfortunately, they didn't answer...but her persistence doesn't end here.  After dinner, 3 hours after getting home from church, Kennedy said, "Can you PLEASE call Carrie now so I can learn the songs!"  Phone calls were made and we have the music for the entire year that we will be working on now!  She is also very proficient with the computer and has enjoyed playing games on Rich's laptop this weekend!

McGuire has discovered his love of baseball!  Rich had the kids, along with several neighborhood kids, involved in a baseball game Friday night.  McGuire came up to bat, swung at the pitch, and HIT THE BALL!  I wasn't there, but Rich said McGuire was so proud of himself!  I was talking to a mom of one of the boys who had been playing and she said her son had talked all night about McGuire!  He said, "Mom, McGuire is only two and he is so good!  He hit the ball and everything.  That is really good for a two year old!"  On Saturday, that was all McGuire wanted to do.  We would say, "Hey buddy, let's eat lunch." And he would respond with, "No, I play baseball!" He was so happy when we finally took him outside and he got to play again.  We headed to Target Saturday night to buy our own bat and ball so we can play with him anytime (they had been using the neighbor's equipment).  It is also so funny to me sometimes to hear McGuire talking in complete sentences and sharing his opinions in very thoughtful and expressive ways.  It always throws me off and reminds me how old he is getting!

Zachary is doing awesome!  He is loving eating food.  He enjoys rice cereal, green beans, squash, peaches, and prunes.  He did not really care for applesauce of all things.  We put him in the booster seat to eat tonight and he loved sitting up at the table with his brother and sister.  We will be moving him into a bigger car seat this week as he is too long for the infant car seat now.  His new funny thing is that you can call his name and he won't respond at all, but when you say, "Hey, munchkin!" he whips his head around to look at you and starts laughing!  He is already becoming a tease.

We love our kids so much and feel so blessed every single day to have them in our family.  It is so fun to watch as they learn and develop and explore their world around them.  Each day is always a new adventure!

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