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All about Zach

It is so easy to jump on this site and quickly post funny things the kids say.  However, by doing this Zach is very often left off since he isn't talking.  I have been feeling badly about that so I thought the best way to fix it is to post something about him and only him!

We love our Zachy-Zach.  He is such a cute baby who is full of life.  I love when we go in to get him up after a nap and he just grins from ear to ear and kicks his feet as fast as he can.  All of this is usually accompanied with a loud squeal of excitement.  As we bring him out of his room, he is frantically looking around for Kennedy and McGuire.  As soon as he spots them or hears them, the squealing starts again and he starts kicking his legs and bouncing up and down as if to try to get us to move faster because he wants to be near his brother and sister RIGHT NOW!

Zach loves to eat!  He loves anything you put on his tray or in his mouth.  He gets frustrated when we put him in his chair and put the tray on and there isn't food there immediately.  He pounds his tray and whines until you give him food.  He is learning he has to eat it fast or else McGuire comes over and steals the food away.  It is funny to watch Zach try to protect his territory...I can only imagine how it is going to be as he gets older!  He LOVES to drink water and he especially loves it from his straw cup.  He likes his sippy cup, but he LOVES his straw cup.  He will guzzle a whole cup of water in no time flat, it is pretty amazing.

He is trying so hard to crawl and gets very frustrated when things are just out of his reach.  His latest thing is to bury his head into the ground and KICK his legs up in the air.  Then, right before his legs hit the ground, he turns in the direction he is hoping to go and pushes as his legs touch the ground.  This little maneuver will usually move him a couple inches.  It is a very interesting thing to watch (and makes him mad when he realizes we are watching and not HELPING!)

Zach LOVES to be outside.  He likes the feel of the grass and watching the chaos that usually ensues as the entire neighborhood comes out to play in the evening.  We love everything about you Zach!!



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