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First day of school

The kids started pre-school this last week.  Kennedy goes MWF and McGuire goes TH.  Kennedy was excited to get back to school and see her teacher.  She loves all the things she gets to do and learn throughout the morning.  She is also especially excited because two of her greatest friends from our cul-de-sac are in her class.  I was going to take her on Monday but when she found out we had a car pool and she could ride with Whitney and Gray, she was much more excited for that option!  So, off she went and had loved every day since.

McGuire has been so excited to go to school.  The day after his 3rd birthday in May he got his backpack on and said, "I'm three now so I can go to school."  He was SO excited last week when I told him it was finally time to go to school.  There were no tears or anxiety when I dropped him off, just shear excitement.  When I picked him up, here were his reactions:

  • I LOVE school mom.  I REALLY love it (when asked how he liked school)
  • I love school mom (climbing out of the car when we got home)
  • He was sitting on the couch with a HUGE grin on his face when he threw his hands in the air and yelled, "IT WAS SO FUN!"

The only complaint he has about school is that he only gets to go two times a week.  He was literally in tears when Kennedy left on Friday because he thought he should be able to go too!  Let's hope this love of school continues on for the years to come!

Here are pics of their first day of school


Reader Comments (2)

So cute!

August 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEmily

They look so grown up! Glad they love to learn.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMom

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