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California Trip - Day 3

DISNEYLAND!! It was hot and the lines were long, but we had a GREAT time.

Something I wish I had a picture of - Chloe riding the roller coaster in Toon Town.  Below are other fun highlights from the day.

Visiting the princesses and Critter Country with Grandma Ruth 

Visiting Mickey Mouse - Chloe wasn't quite sure what to think of him! Captain Hook shook Zach's hand during the parade

Waiting for the parade and Chloe enjoying the show What kid wouldn't be happy with ice cream, suckers, and the biggest pickle ever! After the fireworks, Zach was asleep, McGuire was almost asleep, and Chloe was in the middle of a screaming fit. Rich opted to take the three kids home with Grandpa while Grandma, Kennedy, and mom stayed to ride one last ride. We walked right onto Pirates of the Caribbean. Kennedy loved having mom and Grandma all to herself!Favorite picture of the day!

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