Cool, mom!
The other day, McGuire smacked his head on the corner of our end table. While it didn't leave it big gash, it left a pretty deep little mark that bled pretty badly. Our neighbor, who is a PA came over and cleaned it up for us and put a steri-strip on it. The next day when we took the steri-strip off, I didn't wan't McGuire it touch it so I asked if we could put a regular band-aid on it. He normally is not a fan of band-aids, but he agreed. I put a green band-aid that had little bugs on the cut. When McGuire so it in the mirror, he started crying and said, "No, mom! I want a cool band-aid!!" I found some spiderman band-aids and asked if that would work for him. He said, "Yup, those ones are COOOL!"
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