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Funny things about McGuire

While swimming in the pool yesterday, McGuire mastered the somersault.  He would stand on the edge of the pool and somersault into the water...and his shorts would fall off EVERY time.  Instead of coming up for air and then pulling his suit up, he would swim underwater while pulling his shorts up.  This made it so he would come up for air and climb out of the pool all in one big breath and then he would do it all over again.  He did this for probably 15 minutes straight, and I laughed every single time!

He was mesmerized watching motorcross on TV tonight.  Literally breathless, I am not kidding you.  He was so amazed with it all!  He finally turned to Rich and I and said, "Can I try that some day?"  Rich replied with a very firm, "You will NEVER do that, son!"  McGuire thought about it for a minute and said, "Okay, I'll just watch it on TV then!"

McG is always hitting Zach, pushing him, tackling him, just plain picking on him.  Not to be mean, that is just his way of playing with him (sadly).  We keep telling him not to play that way, someone is going to get hurt, Zach doesn't like it, etc.  Last night, we were sitting on the floor and I was reading a book to Kennedy and McG while Zach was walking around.  Zach realized McGuire was on the ground and was distracted so he walked right over to him and hit him on the head.  I had to laugh when I told McG (who was very upset he had just been hit) that he was the one who taught Z to do that.  It is going to be quite an adventure with these two boys!

Reader Comments (3)

I love the little squabbles between brothers! They are definitely going to keep you on your toes as they get bigger!

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJennae Porter

Get ready for the rough and tumble with 2 boys! Loved the somersault story!

August 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkari C

I love how you can make me laugh. I could picture all of that happening as if I were there. Thanks for sharing!

August 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEmily

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