
So considerate....

Kennedy was a little under the weather today, which always throws us off since she is rarely sick.  Any time I would suggest she try something (like take some medicine, take a nap, drink some water) she would always ask, "When you were a little girl, you feel better?"  It was so sweet!

Even in the middle of her feeling sick, she was so considerate.  At one point while I was rocking her she looked up at me with very concerned eyes and said, "Mommy, what if you get sick because you are so close to me?" 

She threw up once this morning which surprised both of us and we were totally unprepared for it.  So, we got her bathed and snuggled up with her blanket and pillow while I cleaned everything else up.  We placed a bucket by her in case we needed it.  Later in the morning she got that look on her face so I ran over to her with the bucket and she ran past me, out the sliding glass door, and to the rocks.  I tried to hold the bucket for her and she just pushed it away so I held her as she did her thing.  When she was all finished, she looked and me and sweetly said, "Mommy, if I throw up in the rocks we won't have to clean anything up!  That is why I did not want to use the bucket!"  What a sweetheart!

We are happy to report she was feeling much better this afternoon!



Kennedy read her first book in preschool on Thursday! 


Pool time fun

Last week, we had our pool drained and cleaned.  The kids were SO excited about being able to play in the pool as the water level got lower and lower.  Unfortunately, the water wasn't low enough by the time they had to go to bed.  So, the next morning when they woke up, they were ecstatic when I told them all the water was gone and asked if they would like to eat breakfast on the bottom of the pool.  We all had a great time!  I will apologize in advance for all the shadows in the pictures...they were taken at 7:30 in the morning and unavoidable.  I would also like to say that we have bought Kennedy some very cute nightgowns, but she still insists on wearing one of our old t-shirts to bed!  Here are some pics eating breakfast...

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So, after dinner the pool was clean and the hose was in the pool filling it up.  It was windy outside, the water was around 68 degrees, but the kids did not notice one bit.  They played in the water for a good 30 minutes and had a blast the whole time.  I am sure the whole neighborhood could hear their screams and squeals.  I loved every minute of it!  Here are some pics of their fun!

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He is such a happy boy!

This last week my neighbor said to me about Zach, "For how fussy of a baby he was, he surely is a happy kid!"  How true that is!  With his colic, acid reflux, and bowel issues that Zach dealt with the first couple months of life, he was one unhappy little baby.  He finally turned a corner a few months back and really is such as HAPPY boy!  He loves his new found mobility and his increasing abilities to do more and more on his own.  He loves exploring his environment, trying new things (like rocks!), feeding himself, playing with Kennedy and McGuire, and following us all around wherever we go.  We love you Zachy and your easy going personality!!


Potty Training

McGuire is well on his way to being potty trained!  We started Friday morning and he has done fantastic.  Friday afternoon was a little hard for him because Rich and I were both running around trying to get stuff done so after 4 accidents he wanted his diaper back on (which was best since a babysitter was coming for the evening).  We started again Saturday morning and after just one small accident in the morning, he has been fantastic!  He has even come in from playing outside to go to the bathroom (with no prompting from us).  We ran to Target and Blockbuster last night without any incidents and he was excited to put his underwear back on when he first woke up this morning (he still wears a diaper to bed at night).  I can't believe how easy it has been and how quickly he has caught on to it all!

I must admit that while I am excited for his success, I am also a little sad.  It reminds me my kids won't always need me to do everything for them!  I keep telling myself this is a good thing (and I am sure looking back at this post I will laugh at my own sadness!).  I probably am not making any sense.... :)

We are so proud of McGure and he is SOOOO excited to be a "BIG BOY!"