

Kennedy has been so funny lately!  Her newest obsession has been discussing when she is a mom.  I would like to think that it comes from her seeing how much I love being a mommy, but I also have to admit that some of it might come from the fact that I told her a couple weeks ago when she is married, lives in her own house, and has kids of her own, she can make the rules but for the time being, she had to follow mommy and daddy's rules!  Here are some of her comments from the last couple of weeks regarding this topic:

  • After I get married in the temple, I can have kids right?
  • How old do I have to be before I can have kids?
  • Mom, when I grow up I want to be a mommy or a school teacher!
  • What do you think I should name my kids?
  • Mom, can we have 10 kids?  I told her it had taken us a long time to have her, McGuire and Zach so I didn't think we were going to be able to have 10 kids.  So she said, "Okay, I will have 10 kids when I am a mommy then.  Or maybe just 5 kids."
  • When I get married can I still live with you?  We told her no that she would live with her husband in her own house to which she asked, "Can I just live with you and go visit my husband sometimes?"
  • McGuire, when I grow up I'm going to name my kids Kennedy, McGuire and Zach.
  • I'm a big helper now so I am going to be a REALLY big helper when I am a mommy.

Rich and I have had quite a few chuckles over the comments she makes!  We love her so much and love to hear the thoughts she decides to share with us!


Who knew?

McGuire found his daddy's bike helmet this morning and who knew it would provide HOURS of entertainment?  So far, he has told me it is his helmet, a shovel (while at the park), his backpack, and a purse.  The funniest was while driving in the car, he put it on the head and said, "I'm SUPERMAN!" He thought about that for a minute and then said very matter of factly, "No, I'm THE MAN!" 

The kid is honestly the funniest little guy!  I laugh so many times a day at all his little antics.  What makes it even funnier is that he knows he is funny so he hams it up like no other!  Here are some shots of him being goofy with his helmet.



We are exhausted!

We have had a very busy month!  Rich travelled the whole first week of the month.  When he got home, his cousin TJ came to stay for the week, leaving on March 14th.  My mom and sister then came for a visit that night and stayed until Sunday (the 16th).  We picked up our nephew on Tuesday, the 18th and then Rich's sisters and their families and his mom and dad joined us for the rest of the week.  We had a great time hanging out with family and the kids LOVED spending time with their cousins.  Here are some highlights from the month:

  • The weather was great so the kids and I enjoyed a fun day at the zoo with friends who were in from out of town
  • Kennedy and McGuire had a blast at a spring training game with their daddy
  • Kennedy enjoyed a pedicure/manicure with mommy, grammy Sue, Aunt Emi, and Aunt Heather.  She is already talking about what nail polish color she is going to choose next time!
  • Rich enjoyed a Phoenix Suns game and golf with good friends
  • I had a fun night out playing BUNKO with friends
  • We were able to sneak away on ONE date this month (3 dates fewer than we normally go on, but we were excited to be able to fit one in!)
  • Kennedy and McGuire LOVED playing in our pool with their cousins, Shelby and Jacob...the water was 62 degrees, YIKES!  Shelby and Jake actually swam, Kennedy and McGuire got in the pool once and then opted to just play with the water while staying out of the pool
  • McGuire FELL into the pool twice.  Before you panic, just know that there was someone close by both times and he was never in any great danger.  The first time he fell onto a floating mat.  The second time he fell in, my sister-in-law DOVE in the pool, fully clothed to get him.  By the time she got there, he had kicked his way to the top and Shelby and Jake had gotten him onto a tube.  He only cried because he dropped his blanket in the water and it was at the bottom of the pool!  Good thing we have those swimming lessons scheduled to start up again the end of April! :)
  • We have had a lot of great times at the park
  • Rich and I spoke in church on Easter Sunday.  I don't know if that was a highlight, but it was something else that got thrown into the busy-ness of the month!
  • Zach had one top tooth finally break through and now has FOUR new teeth coming in!  As painful as I think that is, he has been amazingly happy.  I think it helps that he can now move all over the place and get to just about anything he wants!
  • We traded in our Sequioa for a Sienna.  The kids LOVE to push the buttons to close the doors.  It is nice to not have to lift the kids into the car and that Kennedy can now buckle herself. 

We have had a great time with all the family and friends we have seen this month!  We always love to have visitors and look forward to others coming to visit our fam...just give us a chance to wash the sheets and towels and get our house back in order! :)


Zach is keeping busy

Zach began "army crawling" all over the place this week.  It has been fun to watch him make his way through the house, though it makes things a little busier.  Today, he managed to make it from one end of our great room and half way across the kitchen floor to the dog food bowl.  Looks like more baby proofing of the house is going to happen in the next couple of days! 

He has another tooth coming through.  This one is on the top and it is about time it makes its debut!  His gums have been extra swollen, he has been extra slobbery, and grumpy for the last little bit as we have waited for this tooth to cut through.  Hopefully, he will stop waking up at 4:15 every morning now!

We love you Zachy!


Big bummer!!

Rich was searching through his travel bags last night and realized he left his Bose Headset and iPod on the airplane on Tuesday night when he flew in from CA.  I have called the Phoenix airport as well as the airports the plane went on to that evening, but have had no luck.  It is very unfortunate that he lost it in the first place, but equally unfortunate that whoever found it hasn't been honest enough to turn it in.

Sadly, this is the second iPod we have lost.  His first one was under our car seat and I didn't realize that when I took the car to the carwash.  It wasn't until a week later when Rich went to retrieve it from under the seat that we realized it was missing.  The even bigger bummer in all of this is that both iPods were won when he was in sales so we have been very lucky in not having to actually purchase an iPod.  Looks like we will be saving up for some new equipment!