Our kids say the funniest things

(at least we think so)! 





Tonight, Rich was telling Kennedy that he is in charge of a father-son breakfast tomorrow and is going to be cooking pancakes for everyone.  Kennedy immediately asked, "Does the church have a microwave?!"  Yup, apparently those frozen pancakes I put in the microwave every morning for breakfast have distorted her impression of how one should cook breakfast.  No wonder they have been so excited the last couple of mornings when I have pulled out the Bisquick, added water, and cooked pancakes on the griddle!  Apparently, I need to do this more often!

Friend's house mom?

McGuire goes to a play group on Tuesday morning while Kennedy is in pre-school.  Today (Thursday), when Kennedy was in school McGuire kept saying, "Friends house, mom?" and I would tell him not today.  He asked several times throughout the morning.  He finally said, "I go to friend's house PLEEEAAASE!"  Apparently, I was not entertaining enough for him this morning!  It was pretty cute though because he has never acknowledged his desire to play with other kids before.  However, it makes me feel like he is growing up faster than I want!  I was finally able to appease him when I told him we would go on a car ride after we picked up DeeDee (Kennedy).  I was back on the cool mom list after that! :)


Will his name still be Zach?

Tonight, Kennedy asked me when Zach was going to grow eyebrows (if you can't tell from the pictures recently posted, his eyebrows are very light and sparse right now!).  I told her it would probably take a little bit of time before he grows them.  Her next question was, "Mom, when Zach grows eyebrows, will his name still be Zach?"  You have to wonder sometimes what goes through kids minds... :)


No nap...

Bedtime at our house is anywhere from 7:00-7:30 depending on the type of day it has been.  Both kids were in bed by 7:30 tonight and took a little bit of time to settle down.  Kennedy finally fell asleep but McGuire was still awake at 10:00 pm!  When I went in to talk to him, he smiled up to me and said, "No nap please mommy!"  How could I turn that down??  So I took him downstairs and read him a book and sang songs.  He settled down quite quickly after that!


Carrots help you see better

We had carrots with our dinner tonight.  McGuire was devouring them, however Kennedy was a little more reluctant to eat hers.  When I said to McGuire, "You are going to be able to see really well because carrots help you see better."  Kennedy said, "Carrots help you see better?" and she popped a carrot in her mouth and immediately covered one eye with her hand.  She then said, "I only ate one carrot so I guess I can only see out of one eye."  She was quite happy to eat one more carrot just so she could see out of both eyes!