Our kids say the funniest things

(at least we think so)! 




I'm going to miss them...

So the other day when we were driving home from our quick trip to Utah, we were driving out of Las Vegas around 6:00 am.  It was still dark so most of the city lights were visible.  As we started to leave Vegas and we were seeing fewer and fewer lights, McGuire said, "Mom, where did the lights go?"  And I responded, "They are behind us buddy.  We aren't going to be able to see them anymore."  To which he said (in the saddest of sad voices), "Ooooohhhh, I'm going to miss them."



Rich told me the other day while he and the kids were driving in the car, he had a great conversation with Kennedy.  Here is how it went:

Kennedy (singing): A, B, C, D.....next time won't you sing with me

Rich: Thank you, Kennedy!  I would love to sing the song with you next time

Kennedy:  Daaaad!  That is just how the song goes.  Don't sing with me!  A, B, C, D.....next tiem won't you sing with me

Rich:  I would LOVE to sing with you next time.  Just let me know!

Kennedy:  DAAAAD!  Don't sing with me.  That is just how the song goes.  I want to sing it by myself so DON'T sing with me!  A, B, C, D....next time won't you HEAR ME SING!!

He said, Kennedy then proceeded to laugh out loud at her cleverness!!


Free Day

Here is a little background before I tell you this story....Kennedy can't say the "th" sound when she says three so it always comes out sounding like "free" when she says it....so she is "free years old"...

This morning, Kennedy asked what we were going to do today.  As I mentioned a few errands we might try to run, she said, "I think I go to dance today."  I told her dance was on Monday so we wouldn't be going today (Friday).  Then she suggested she might have preschool today.  I told her, "We don't have dance or preschool today, honey.  Today is a free day."  She looked at me with the funniest expression and asked, "Well, when is a four day?" 




Funny things the kids said today....

- I introduced hot chocolate to the kids this morning (after all, it is 60 degrees when we wake up!).  Kennedy of course didn't even want to try it, but McGuire LOVED it.  He kept saying, "I drinking chocolate chips!"  I would say, "No, Guire it is hot chocolate."  To which he would respond, "Yeah, I drinking chocolate chips!"

- Kennedy said to me tonight, "Mom, maybe we can set up a zoo for the little kids to come visit." I said, "That sounds like fun.  What kind of animals would be in our zoo?"  And she said, "Probably just stuffed animals."  I asked if Brindley (our dog) should be in our zoo and she said, "No, he's not an animal.  He's just a puppy!"  She also thought we should have lillypads with frogs on them since we didn't see any frogs at the zoo we went to a couple weeks ago.

- When Zach is laying on the ground, he reaches down and grabs his feet and then rocks over to his side!  He either always has his hands in his mouth or is holding his feet.  I am waiting for the day when he starts knawing on his feet instead of his hands!

Such fun kids!


Cool, mom!

The other day, McGuire smacked his head on the corner of our end table.  While it didn't leave it big gash, it left a pretty deep little mark that bled pretty badly.  Our neighbor, who is a PA came over and cleaned it up for us and put a steri-strip on it.  The next day when we took the steri-strip off, I didn't wan't McGuire it touch it so I asked if we could put a regular band-aid on it.  He normally is not a fan of band-aids, but he agreed.  I put a green band-aid that had little bugs on the cut.  When McGuire so it in the mirror, he started crying and said, "No, mom!  I want a cool band-aid!!"  I found some spiderman band-aids and asked if that would work for him.  He said, "Yup, those ones are COOOL!"